❤️ Click here: Geil definition
If it's related to a person, it can also mean that he or she looks very hot. I know what it means from some German rap songs I listened to, but it definitely is not common in English.
To this day in the most basic sense it means horny. I think I may be around your neck of the woods more often-- I miss studying this language. For the older generation this sounded like a provocation, and it was meant to be one of course.
geil : definition of geil and synonyms of geil (English) - Years later, I ran into one of my old classmates who had continued with the language studying abroad, etc , and I brought up that memory and the word. Also, it is not used as a synonym of wasted.
Beim Gyn zur Analuntersuchung geil gedehnt. At the doc for deep ass exam horny stretching. Weil die anderen Schlümpfe zu geil wurden. Because all the other Smurfs were getting too horny. Unheimlich, aber irgendwie auch geil. It's creepy but kind of awesome. Ich weiß, wie geil es auf dem College ist. I geil definition how awesome college is. Kann man ihm nicht verübeln, du siehst unglaublich geil aus. Well, you can't really blame him, you are looking incredibly hot. Mhm, die sie ist verdammt geil. But she's really so fucking hot. With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for geil and thousands of other words. You can complete the translation of geil given by the German-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Langenscheidt, Geil definition, Wissen, Oxford, Collins dictionaries.
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Posts that do not concern the German language or learning German will be removed. Simple in Context: Im so! Browse other questions tagged or. Both German-language subreddits and subreddits for learners of German can be found in the. Years later, I ran into one of my old classmates who had continued with the language studying abroad, etc , and I brought up that memory and the word. Mhm, die sie ist verdammt geil. The single was released in April 1986, and topped the Austrian charts the following month. I know how awesome college is. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. Pennsylvania had the highest population of Geil families in 1840. For non-natives and learners only.